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Twitter Releases New Push Notification Enabled iPhone & Android Apps

Better notifications, easier discover and simpler search is coming to a smart phone near you. Today Twitter is launching official new versions of their iPhone & Android apps.  The goal of the new apps?  To make it easier to understand what’s happening on Twitter.

The new features for each app include:

  1. Discover Tab The discover tab allows users to see a stream of activity updates from those users that are followed.  The activity appears below the redesigned stories.  Also, any story can be tapped on to see Tweets about a particular trend or news article.

  2. Search Searching via the Twitter app is becoming simpler.  Each search will come equipped with other suggestions, spelling or related terms. If you are in the connect tab performing a search, start typing in the first or last name and the name of the user will be auto-completed.  For the iPhone app, users can tap the search box and view most recent searches or go directly to a profile when a username is searched in connect.

  3. Notifications You can now know immediately when  you have been retweeted, favorited or followed with push notifications.

For more information, read the official release or download the apps in the App Store or Google Play market.

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