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Twitter Opens Analytics Access To All Users

Copyright Aaron Durand (@everydaydude) for Twitter, Inc.

Copyright Aaron Durand (@everydaydude) for Twitter, Inc.

Twitter announced today that it is giving Twitter Analytics access to all users.

Absolutely thrilled to open up access to to EVERYONE. Check it out, and let us know what you think! — Ian Chan (@chanian) August 27, 2014

The feature — previously only available to advertisers, Twitter Card publishers and verified users — provides detailed information about how tweets are performing, showing impressions, clicks, retweets and replies for each tweet as well as monthly engagement and engagement rates for an account.

And that can be an eye-opening realization, as my colleague Danny Sullivan noted when Twitter released this version of the analytics dashboard last month. Turns out for many people and brands Twitter Analytics shows that organic reach and engagement rates on Twitter can be as low as Facebook.

Unlike Facebook, Twitter doesn’t filter user feeds with an algorithm, but because of the sheer volume of activity on the Twitter network, the reality is that any given tweet won’t be read by many people. Danny’s post digs into the comparison between the two major social networks and offers some ideas to help people improve their results on Twitter. It’s well worth the read, but in a nutshell his advice is simple: “Make sure you do second-chance tweets and more, because most of your Twitter audience didn’t see what you shared the first time.”

Today’s change was noted in an update to a Twitter support page, which said that the tweet activity dashboard is currently available to people who tweet primarily in English, French, Japanese and Spanish and have had an account for at least 14 days. The company said it is working on rolling access out to the rest of its users. Users can gain access to their Tweet activity dashboard by logging into

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