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Twitter Now Offers Uniform Mobile Web Experience To All

No smartphone? No problem, at least not when it comes to using Twitter on the go.

The company has announced an update to its mobile web version at that makes it more uniformly consistent with how smartphone users experience Twitter.

It has the same four icon/button menu — Home, @mentions, Connect (#) and Profile — that you’re already familiar with, and Twitter says its new mobile version is “fast, like a native mobile app; it uses one-third less bandwidth than the previous iteration.”

That’ll be good news for Twitter users in countries where smartphone penetration is low, in areas where cellular networks are weak … and for anyone not using a smartphone. It should also be good for Twitter’s business development — the company has recently enabled advertisers to target mobile users with Promoted Tweets.

Twitter says its new mobile version is beginning to roll out today. Last September, Twitter revealed that about 55 percent of its active users access the service from mobile devices.

Here’s a screenshot from Twitter’s blog post of the new Twitter mobile on a Nokia phone.

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