Twitter users should now be used to seeing targeted ads pop up in their stream. But how about on their own content? Re/code confirmed a new ad test that displays promoted tweets directly within a user’s profile page.
In the test, which is being shown to a small number of logged in users, the promoted tweets are displayed to people visiting other users’ profiles on the web and in mobile apps. The sponsored content is set off from organic tweets and labeled with a big “Suggested By Twitter” disclaimer. Recode reported that the ads are not appearing on pages of verified users.

While this appears to be a nice feature, the last thing that brands want is a competitor showing up in their profile. Having the ability to purchase ads around a sponsored athlete makes a good deal of sense, but could become hairy if competitors are allowed to do so — or even show on the brand itself.
A Twitter spokesperson confirmed the test in an email to Marketing Land: “We’re experimenting with this feature, as we do with all our ad features, in order to create great experiences for our users, advertisers and partners.”
For more details about the story head to Re/code. Image used with permission from Re/code.