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The Path to CMO with SAP Ariba’s Alicia Tillman [Podcast]


What can a teenager possibly learn from selling tickets to a public beach? A lot, says this week’s special podcast guest, Alicia Tillman. That’s where she had her first job as a 15-year-old, and it provided lessons that have helped Tillman grow to become the CMO of SAP Ariba, the B2B software and information technology giant.

Tillman — whom we first profiled in early 2016 — is the subject of our latest “Path to CMO” interview, which features some of the top marketers from the world’s biggest brands. We learn about the steps they took to reach the C-suite, the important mentors who’ve helped shaped their careers and the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

This week’s show runs 35 minutes. You can listen here or use the link below to subscribe via your favorite podcast service.

We invite you to subscribe via iTunes or Google Play Podcasts.

Previous ‘Path to CMO’ Episodes

Thanks for listening! We’ll be back next week with another episode of Marketing Land Live.

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