Even if you haven’t yet seen Delta’s new in-flight safety video, you’ve likely already seen parts of it. Working with Wieden + Kennedy New York, Delta collected every last internet meme and stuffed them all into its latest in-flight safety video.
The video, which has climbed to 1.9 million views on YouTube (and 200,000 in the time it took to write this article), is stuffed with internet goodness. Everything from Overly Attached Girlfriend to Screaming Goat to Dramatic Chipmunk to Annoying Orange to Evolution of Dance to Harlem Shake to Coke Mentos to the Will It Blend Guy and a whole lot more is crammed into the 6 minute video. Even Delta’s original finger-wagging flight attendant, Deltalina, makes an appearance.
At the end, the Will It Blend guy encourages people to click to visit remixed (blended) versions of the video.
The video, entitled “The Internetest Safety Video on the Internet,” will begin airing on Delta planes May 25. Of course by then, everyone on the planet will have seen it.
Delta is promoting the video on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram:
You’re on the Internet. That’s great, because we made a safety video starring the Internet: http://t.co/O0Zc1cyr6O pic.twitter.com/HuASoAK7Tw — Delta (@Delta) May 20, 2015
As enjoyable is this video is to some, others (just check YouTube comments) will likely be happy they fly Southwest, thereby avoiding forced viewing of this type of in-flight safety video.