It’s pretty clear that Facebook is leading the way in digital ad targeting, and will for quite a while. While Google is struggling with mobile and socially-driven demographic/interest targeting, Facebook keeps on releasing the hits. The newest release is key for those marketers looking to promote plugins/extensions or specific programs/apps by OS.
One of the new attributes added in the behaviors section is the “Internet Browser Used.” Of course this is crucial for the plugin/extension field, but could lead to other opportunities based off of the sophistication of a user’s browser. For example, are Chrome users more willing to download an app? Does your site have issues in IE? These tests could prove to be profitable for Facebook advertisers.
Another new targeting method is the Operating System that is being used. Again, this is clutch for folks with Windows apps made only for Windows 8 or Mac OS X apps. Additionally, this may delineate the sophistication of users as someone on Vista might not be as tech savvy as someone one Windows 7.
These targeting types can be found in Power Editor in the Behaviors section and are available to all advertisers.