Kantar Worldpanel ComTech
reports that its latest market share survey data show Windows Phone has passed the iPhone in Italy. This is undoutedly based on the residual strength of the Nokia brand in Europe.
Accordingly, when Microsoft assumes control of the Nokia hardware business, it will need to preserve the Nokia brand for the foreseeable future.
The market research firm says, “Windows Phone now makes up one in 10 smartphone sales across the five major European markets, has overtaken iOS in Italy, and is gaining momentum in emerging markets.”
StatCounter mobile OS internet traffic data for Italy show the following:
Android: 51 percent
iPhone: 36 percent
Windows Phone: 6 percent
Other: 7 percent
European-wide mobile OS market share, according to StatCounter web traffic, is as follows:
Android: 45 percent
iPhone: 38 percent
Windows Phone: 3 percent
BlackBerry: 5 percent
Other: 9 percent
The StatCounter data show a traffic dip for the iPhone in October. The iPhone 5s and 5c are apparently factored in to both the Kantar and StatCounter figures.