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Study: WordPress Grabs More Share Of Top 100 Blogs

WordPress continues to gain in popularity among top blog publishers. The blogging platform’s market share rose to 52 percent, up from 48 percent last year, according to Royal Pingdom, which uses the Technorati Top 100 blogs list for its annual study.

To get a sense of WordPress’ growth trend, in Royal Pingdom’s first study in 2009, they found WordPress was the blogging platform of choice on 32 percent of the top 100 blogs — that’s a 63% increase in five years, while no other platform has been able to increase share in a meaningful way. According to WordPress’s own stats, there are over 65 million sites today, written in over 120 languages, worldwide. The WordPress total in this study includes both hosted and self-hosted WordPress sites.

Top Blogging Platforms 2013

Here’s a look at how the blogging platforms fared this year compared to 2012:

Blogging Platforms 2013 v 2012

There hasn’t been any major movement by any of the other platforms. Moveable Type was this year’s biggest loser with a drop from 7 of the top blogs to  just 4 this year.

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