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Skippable Pre-Roll Ads Come To YouTube Mobile

Skippable pre-roll AdWords for video are coming to YouTube on mobile devices. As the use of smartphones and tablets — including for video viewing — grows dramatically, Google AdSense is rolling out its True View in-stream ads to its YouTube mobile platform.

Since last November, the company has offered in-search and CPM-based in-stream video ads on mobile devices, but this is the first time the in-stream ads are of the TrueView type — they are skippable and an advertiser only pays after 30 seconds of viewing. Currently, they’re only available on YouTube and not on any display network or syndication partners.

If you’re an advertiser running TrueView in-stream ads currently, you’ll automatically begin having them served on mobile, as well. But, marketers can opt out or target more granularly (phones, tablets, operating systems), if they’d like.

Google says its early testing has shown that users on mobile engage with TrueView in-stream ads in a similar manner to the way they engage on the desktop.

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