Many of us have said it at one time or another. Though not everyone who says “That’s so gay” intends to be derogatory, the word “gay,” like many other words has changed meaning over time. Years ago, the word “gay” was a perfectly good word to describe a happy experience as in, “A gay old time.”
Today, “gay” is a word used to describe a person of the homosexual persuasion. So when a person says, “That’s so gay,” it’s meaning is very different and has taken on a derogatory connotation.
Working with Saatchi & Saatchi Canada, the Canadian Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity launched #TheGaySweater, an actual sweater knit from the donated hair of 100 LGBT people which made its debut during Toronto Fashion Week.
The campaign’s aim was to help everyone understand that the use of the phrase “that’s so gay” to negatively describe something is offensive.
Of the campaign, CCGSD Director Jeremy Dias said:
“The idea for the sweater was born from a desire to educate and encourage everyone to use ‘gay’ the correct way. We want the conversation that surrounds the gay sweater to inspire those who are using ‘gay’ in a detrimental way to both realize the negative impact their words and actions are having and change their behavior.”
To get the word out about the sweater, Saatchi & Saatchi Canada created a short film hosted on The Gay Sweater website. On the site, people are encouraged to share the video and to make a donation to CCGSD.
In addition, the site offers downloadable kits for elementary, middle school and high school teachers to use in their classrooms to help teachers promote acceptance of LGBT and discourage the use of “that’s so gay.”
Did you know #TheGaySweater comes as a classroom kit? Download and promote #LGBT acceptance — CCGSD | CCDGS (@CCGSD_CCDGS) March 25, 2015
The campaign has been picked up on Canadian TV news and many other news outlets:
Jeremy Diaz models #thegaysweater watch my story @CBCNews ottawa @5 #cbcott — Sandra Abma (@abmacbc) March 27, 2015
.@CCGSD_CCDGS, Jeremy Dias create the world's first #GaySweater: via @Keaton_Robbins — Ottawa Sun (@ottawasuncom) March 26, 2015
Regarding all the media coverage, Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity Founder Jeremy Dias said:
“Over the last 24 hours I’ve gotten more media than I have for a decade of hard work trying to address homophobia in schools across Canada.”
The campaign also includes several other videos: Behind the Scenes, Meet the Knitters, Why We Made It and The Word Lady which explores the etymology of the word “gay.”
The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity is promoting the campaign on its Twitter page:
There's always a better word than 'gay'! That's the reason we made #TheGaySweater check it out :) — CCGSD | CCDGS (@CCGSD_CCDGS) March 24, 2015