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Samsung’s 6-second video spot ranks #1 on YouTube’s first bumper ad leaderboard

Writer: Fahad HFahad H

For the first time ever, YouTube has released a leaderboard ranking the top 20 most popular six-second bumper ads for the year.

At the top of the list was a spot for Samsung’s Galaxy 8. Other US brands to make the list included Duracell, Sleep Number Mattress Company, Nike and IHOP.

“We’ve found YouTube to be a great platform for experimenting with different formats and content,” says IHOP’s executive director of marketing, Darrin Kellaris, in a YouTube announcement covering the new leaderboard. “By leveraging some of Google’s latest tools and metrics, we’re able to quickly gain valuable insights on what’s working and adjust our approach as needed.”

According to YouTube’s announcement, the bumper ad rankings are a special edition of its ad leaderboard series. The rankings are based on both YouTube’s internal global data from April to July 2017 and a global Ipsos Creative Rating Survey. YouTube says the rankings were determined by an algorithm that factored in organic views, click-throughs and user creative ratings.

In a case study conducted with Duracell, the brand’s VP of marketing, Ramon Velutini, told YouTube that the goal of their bumper ad was to tell a story in a meaningful way.

“We had to account for how people consume media — in shorter bursts and often on mobile. Using six-second ads to complement our longer hero ads solved for that,” said Velutini.

YouTube’s Top 10 Six-Second Bumper Ads for 2017

1. Samsung

2. Mom’s Touch

3. Géramont Sommer

4. Good Knight Activ+

5. Corona

6. Coca Cola Korea

7. Duracell

8. Scholl

9. Club Social

10. Coolish

We’ve listed the top 10 bumper ads here, but you can see all 20 at YouTube Ads leaderboard — Bumper Ads Edition.


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