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Romney Campaign Promoted Tweet Appearing On Critical #RomneyStrength Hashtag

Have you checked out the #RomneyStrength hashtag on Twitter yet? If you have, you’ll know it’s mostly sarcastic comments about the Republican presidential candidate, mocking a news story about a Romney advisor who essentially said the attack in Libya would never have happened if Romney were president.

It looks like the Romney campaign hasn’t noticed this Twitter meme, though, or at least not looked at it very closely, because the campaign has purchased a promoted tweet that appears when you search for the hashtag.

It’s not clear whether the campaign specifically targeted #romneystrength or just anything including #romney. By publication time, the Romney promoted tweet was still appearing against the hashtag, but at times, one for supplanted it.

The oddly-placed promoted tweet — noticed and pointed out by Twitter users — highlights the need for marketers to keep a close eye on quick-moving social media trends, to prevent inadvertent juxtapositions.

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