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Report: Super Bowl Ad Shares Jumped 89% Between 2012 & 2013

According to a report released today by video technology firm Unruly, the number of shares for the top ten Super Bowl ads climbed from 5.4 million in 2012 to more than 10 million shares in 2013, representing an 89 percent increase in total shares across Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere.

Not only did the number of shares for Super Bowl ads dramatically increase between 2012 and 2013, but shares have climbed 30 times during the last three Super Bowls, with ads aired during the 2010 Super Bowl generating only 355,325 shares.

Unruly claims the most shared Super Bowl ad of all time remains to be VW’s “The Force” which was released during the 2011 Super Bowl and has earned more than five million shares and 67 million views. Budweiser holds both the No. 2 and No. 3 spots for most shared Super Bowl ads of all time, with its “9/11 Tribute” from 2002 and last year’s “Brotherhood” ad which ranks No. 3.

Unruly also revealed the seven-day lifecycle of a Super Bowl ad after it is aired. The data shows that the majority of shares for 2013’s Super Bowl ads happened the Monday following Super Bowl Sunday, with the number of shares trailing off five days after the game.

The Super Bowl ads that were released before the game on February 2 received more shares (531,617) than the number of shares that happened on Super Bowl Sunday (376,534).

Unruly 7 day overview of super bowl ad shares

Unruly reports 60% of the most shared Super Bowl ads of all time were launched prior to Super Bowl Sunday, and seven of the top 20 most shared Super Bowl ads from last year were accompanied by teaser ads.

Jaguar and Nestle are both brands that have released teaser ads this year in an effort to gain more momentum before their appearance during next month’s Super Bowl.

“The Super Bowl is no longer just about creating a compelling :30 TV spot that will be talked about at the office on Monday morning,” said Unruly’s US president Richard Kosinski, “With more than 500,000 shares of branded video every 24 hours, the Super Bowl offers advertisers a unique opportunity to efficiently extend the reach of their Super Bowl investment and generate excitement leading up to Super Bowl Sunday and beyond.”

Noting the :30 second spot Kosinski references, Unruly says the average running time of the top ten Super Bowl ads has more than doubled during the last three years, from 42-seconds in 2010 to 89-seconds in 2013.

Unruly average length of super bowl ad

Along with its report on Super Bowl ad shares, Unruly has published a “Hail Mary Playbook” to offer direction on video ad strategies, including running times, whether or not to leverage a teaser campaign, and the type of content most likely to be shared online.

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