Adding to the evidence that 2014 is a mobile tipping point, social data and sharing tool provider ShareThis reported today that sharing via smartphones and tablets surged more than 30% during the second quarter.
Pulling data from its network of more than 2 million U.S. publishers, ShareThis found sharing growth of 27.8% for smartphones and 3.5% for tablets when compared to the first quarter. The ShareThis figures for desktop sharing dropped 5.5 in Q2.
Although ShareThis didn’t provide aggregate figures for device sharing, its growth numbers report coupled with last month’s comScore estimate that 60% of all digital media time was spent on mobile devices in May (up from 50% last year), is a clear indication that mobile has momentum.
That mobile growth is good news for Pinterest and Twitter. According to the ShareThis data, 75% of pins and 71% of tweets come from smartphones and tablets. The breakdown is 63% smartphone to 8% tablet for Twitter and 52% smartphone to 23% tablet for Pinterest. Put another way, mobile users pin and tweet three and two times as often, respectively, as desktop users.
Facebook, which has a 44% to 10% phone-to-tablet split, continues to dominate overall social media sharing, with a 64% share of the total, according to ShareThis. That percentage, however, is 3.9 percentage points less than the Facebook’s first quarter figure. Meanwhile, sharing on Pinterest increased 1.3 percentage points and .8 on Twitter.
Read the full report on the ShareThis blog.