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Report: Nearly 60% Of Video Shares Worldwide Occur On Facebook

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Taking a look at how the whole world shares video, video metrics company Unruly discovered a large majority of videos shares are happening on Facebook.

Based on data derived from Unruly’s Viral Video Chart, the report analyzed more than 521 billion video views and tracked global sharing patterns for videos across social networks in Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, Norway, South East Asia, Sweden, South Korea, UK and the US.

At 59.4 percent, Facebook accounts for the most video shares globally among the social networks, with the remaining 40.6 percent of shares split between Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest and other social platforms.

unruly share report social platforms

Going off ComScore’s numbers, Unruly noted that less than 25 percent of worldwide video views (which are different from shares) are happening on YouTube.

YouTube Video Views Globally

Unruly youtube video views

The report found that 82.4 percent of videos shared worldwide are posted by only 17.9 percent of Internet users, a group Unruly defined as “super-sharers.”

Almost one in five (17.9%) internet users share videos with their social networks more than once a week.

Of the 17.9 percent who are sharing videos at least once a week, 8.6 percent are sharing daily.

How Often Are Internet Users Sharing Videos?

Unruly super sharers

According to the report, video shares happen much quicker than they did a year ago. In 2013, 22.3 percent of shares happened in the first three days. This year, 42.4 percent of shares now happen in the first three days.

How Soon Do Video Shares Occur?

Unruly share report speed of shares

You can download the full version of Unruly’s “Geography of Sharing” report to see how social shares happen by country, and what motivates shares across different cultures: Geography of Sharing.

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