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[PODCAST] Marketing Land Live #27: Rants about Apple, when it’s illegal to link & more


Apple dominated the news space this week with its iPhone 7 and other hardware announcements, but marketers should be paying more attention to what happens next week when Apple releases iOS 10 to the world. In this week’s episode of Marketing Land Live, we cut through the hardware hype and also rant a bit about the difficulty some of us had in ordering a new iPhone.

Other topics on the show include a potentially big legal case in Europe where a high court has ruled that linking to copyright-infringing material may itself also constitute a copyright violation. We also discuss the latest Google SEO news and more.

This week’s show runs 41 minutes and features Marketing Land’s Barry Schwartz, Greg Sterling, Danny Sullivan and myself. You can listen below, and be sure to scroll down for this week’s Show Notes, with links to the stories we talked about.

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Show Notes

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