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Pearls Of Wisdom: Our 30 Favorite Tweets From #SMX Advanced 2014

Writer: Fahad HFahad H

Well, dear search marketing friends — as quickly as it came, the Advanced arm of our Search Marketing Expo (SMX) conference has come to an end. It was a heck of week, filled with tremendous knowledge and insights shared by industry luminaries from all walks of the digital marketing landscape.

If you couldn’t make it to our show this past week, we have a little gift for you — a heaping handful of tweets from the street (that is to say, live-tweets from the show) — that’s right, a round-up of some of the most thought-provoking, eye-opening (or otherwise hilarious) content shared last week at Seattle’s Bell Harbor Conference Center. (Psst psst – head all the way down to the bottom for a link round-up of all of our SMX Advanced coverage from the field.) Enjoy!

Well structured #PLA data is more important than your bidding strategies #smx — Adam Kutner (@adamkworks) June 11, 2014

OH: @mattcutts “I’ve got a gun, let me out, have a chopper waiting, or the Panda gets it!” #SMX — Martin Macdonald (@searchmartin) June 12, 2014
Long term trend is that Authorship will be used more. #smx via @mattcutts — Franck Adifco (@adifco) June 12, 2014
Please don’t have robot txt file block your CSS files. @maileohye #smx #google — Thomas Ballantyne (@Thos003) June 12, 2014
Word of the day: infobesity. “We are drowning in #analytics data.” @ferasa #smx #21B — Jeannine Scopp (@J9Scopp) June 12, 2014

#Google uses data to tell us that mobile matters. If the experience is lacking, your customers won’t convert #smx — Brandon Kenig (@BrandonKenig) June 12, 2014
Be search friendly to everyone, not just Googlebot via @maileohye #SMX #21A — Chipper Nicodemus (@chipnicodemus) June 12, 2014

Quality #content is hard b/c we’ve all pushed ‘good enough’ #content online for so long. via @brentcsutoras #smx #21c — Michelle Tackabery (@mktackabery) June 12, 2014

Key Takeaways from “Ask The SEOs”: Rich Snippets Site Speed rel=”publisher” tag Content Strategy Execution Google w/Grain of salt #smx — Chris Vella (@ChrisVella) June 12, 2014

Big #smx takeaways #6: Support organic content with paid social, paid organic @gregboser offers nod to @aimclear — Scott Clark (@scottclark) June 12, 2014

Low quality score keywords kill your account via @larrykim #smx Great stuff — Rachel Addante (@racheladdante) June 12, 2014

“The road to poor conversion rates is paved with good intentions!” – @ferasa #smx Bahahaha! — Mike Arnesen (@Mike_Arnesen) June 12, 2014

Content going forward needs to be Mobile friendly, load fast, has authorship markup, includes social signals and allows engagement. #smx — Daniel Bianchini (@danielbianchini) June 12, 2014
It’s official: Google’s @maileohye says to serve HTTPS. There is no more debate. #SecureSitesFTW #SMX — Kerry Dean SEO (@kerrydean) June 12, 2014
AJAX: If it doesn’t solve your problems, you’re not using enough of it. #SMX — Gillian Meier (@GillianMeier) June 12, 2014

Quality is in the eyes of the reader and defined by your users’ goals. #smx @brentcsutoras — Renee Nicole Girard (@renee_girard) June 12, 2014

Pay special attention to page speed, there is a correlation between fast page speed and Google crawlability #SMX #AdvancedTechnicalSEO — (@w_illi_am) June 12, 2014
One weird, simple, concrete trick to boost your mobile conversions: Users love it! #smx — Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) June 12, 2014

“Clearly, Google has favored the keyword on the left side of the dot.” – @gregboser #SMX #TLDs — Kerry Dean SEO (@kerrydean) June 12, 2014

@sugarrae and @mdsimmonds agree “Don’t rely on 301 redirects when moving pages. Do find and replace original source link URL.” #smx — Will Scott (@w2scott) June 12, 2014

It’s not about having crap. It’s about having a high percentage of crap says @gregboser about Penguin algo. #smx — Akvilė Harlow (@AkvileHarlow) June 12, 2014
“Protect your brand. Buy (your name) “GM just did” @dannysullivan lol #smx #23a — Hillary Brown (@hillabean) June 12, 2014

SEO takes hard work and effort… Don’t chase algorithm changes #smx — Ali Mac (@searchalimac) June 12, 2014

The next Google algo update “is going to be pretty devastating.” – @GregBoser #smx — Mike Arnesen (@Mike_Arnesen) June 12, 2014
@Armondhammer: Scripts are extremely powerful but often weakly used. #smx #23b — Forthea Interactive (@Forthea) June 12, 2014

Analysis and reports are cool but its not worth anything unless you do something! Take Action #smx #23C @OptiMineInc — Courtney Demko (@courtdemko) June 12, 2014

Reminded of the awesome effects of conferences: networking, learning, keeps you from falling into a rut, and inspires! #smx — Kim Joy Fox (@kimjoyfox) June 13, 2014

#Mobile strategy: Google prefers responsive design over separate mobile sites. @mattcutts confirmed at #smx — Toby Danylchuk (@toby39) June 14, 2014

Future of search? Conversational @mattcutts #smx — Michelle Tackabery (@mktackabery) June 12, 2014

Beat @mattcutts yesterday at pool, and today all my client manual penalties have gone! coincidence? #seojoke #smx — Daniel Bianchini (@danielbianchini) June 13, 2014

Full Coverage From The Show: 

That’s a wrap! See you next year, Seattle!


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