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Now Filming At Google: “The Internship” With Vince Vaughn & Owen Wilson

We wrote earlier about a new movie, “The Internship,” starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as slightly-older-than-normal Google interns. Some of the filming is now happening at Google itself.

The comedy stars Vaughn and Wilson as 40-something salesmen who, after getting laid-off, begin anew as interns with Google.

Filming began in August at the Georgia Tech campus in Atlanta, where a pseudo-Google had been created. But now it’s happening today at Google itself, with a set operating on the main campus:

It’s been filming here since at least Friday and still going today (I’m coincidentally visiting at the same time).

And yes, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are part of the filming, at least according to one very excited tweeter. They got a closer view than I did, but here’s my best TMZ shot:

Look right to the middle, and Wilson’s on the left, with Vaughn (man, he’s tall) on the right.

Postscript: It’s pretty obvious that Google’s cooperating with the movie and probably has done so for some time — a smart move, because the plot looks pretty funny. But the company isn’t saying more than the statement it sent me below:

We’re excited that Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson chose the Google campus as a backdrop for their first film together since “Wedding Crashers.” We’re sure they’ll have a humorous take on life in Silicon Valley and look forward to seeing the result.

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