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New Version Of Yahoo iPhone Flickr App Includes Picture-Perfect Editing Tools For Free

Yahoo has released a new version of the

iPhone Flickr App, adding new updates and removing fees for a selection of the professional editing tools. Now users will have access to features like photo enhancement, cropping, sharpening, and color adjustments for free.

Noting the iPhone 5 as the most popular camera on Flickr, Yahoo claims the new Flickr App, “Takes full advantage of the depth of capabilities that Apple’s iPhone camera has to offer and more.” According to Yahoo, many of the new Flickr App features were made possible since the company’s acquisition of camera apps KitCam and GhostBird.

Along with the new editing tools, the app includes live inline filters, with composition grids, focus lock and exposure points to help set-up a shot, along with a preview tile to see what a photo will look like. Users can scroll through preview effects for filters before snapping a picture, as well as customize filters after a photo has been taken.

Yahoo is asking users to download the new app and post their photos on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr with the tag #NewFlickrCam so they can choose shots to be added to the Flickr blog.

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