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New report from MarTech Today: Enterprise Identity Resolution Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide

Identity resolution — the process of connecting the growing volume of consumer identifiers to one individual as he or she moves across channels and devices – has become critical to marketing success. US consumers are projected to own up to 13 connected or networked devices by 2021, according to Cisco’s annual Visual Networking Index. As consumer adoption of connected speakers, home management solutions, smart TVs and wearables continues to skyrocket, that figure is expected to climb even higher.

Martech Today’s all new “Enterprise Identity Resolution Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” examines the market for Identity Resolution tools and what you should expect when implementing this software into your business.

This 42-page report includes profiles of 12 leading Identity Resolution vendors, pricing charts, capabilities comparisons and recommended steps for evaluating and purchasing.

If you are considering licensing a Identity Resolution Platform, this report will help you in the decision process. Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “Enterprise Identity Resolution Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide.”

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