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More Than Half Of Top Brands Are Now On Instagram

We know that Instagram is one of the most popular social destinations for users, but brands are following suit. Back in August, Simply Measured, a social analytics  firm, discovered that 40% of brands had adopted Instagram for marketing. Since then, brand adoption has jumped a whopping 35% quarter-vs-quarter increase — up to 54% adoption rate as of November 1st.

Instagram crushed all competitors in quarterly growth, thanks in part to the near 100% adoption of Facebook and Twitter. Surprisingly Google+ saw only 5% growth while Pinterest jumped 24% to a 63% adoption rate, just 4 points below Google+. 34% of the brands post at least one photo a week.

One of the most telling items in the SimplyMeasured report is that users are supporting the engaged brands. Of the top brands surveyed 20% had 10,000 or more followers. Brands with 20,000 or more followers jumped 29% as well.

For more information see the SimplyMeasured study.

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