The virtual envelope, please.
Five companies were named today as the winners of the second annual Stackie Awards, announced at our MarTech conference currently taking place in San Francisco. Each winner received an actual trophy from conference chair Scott Brinker, and each can name a charity that will receive a $1,000 contribution.
They are:
Forty-one companies entered the contest, each of which provided a single 16 x 9 slide that, according to the rules, “visually organizes your marketing technology stack however you think best represents the way you think of it.”
Entries were judged on five critera, listed here in order of importance:
Alignment: How well-aligned is your stack with your business?
Concept: How effective is the conceptual organization of your stack?
Clarity: How easy is it for a reader to understand your stack?
Design: The aesthetics of your slide and its visual appeal.
Detail: More detail is generally better, within reason, for a single slide.
Note: Scott Brinker has posted his comments on the winners, plus all 41 entries and a list of the five chosen charities.