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Marketing Day: YouTube’s top November ads, GDPR compliance & net neutrality

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. A balanced approach to data-driven SEO Dec 13, 2017 by Ryan Shelley

SEOs have access to massive amounts of data, and columnist Ryan Shelley asserts that we must learn how to overcome information overload and focus on what drives results.

Columnist Mike Sands takes a look back at this year’s notable events in digital advertising and examines the underlying theme of identity that’s transforming brands.

  1. Samsung Galaxy had the most-watched ad on YouTube in November with 23.9M views Dec 13, 2017 by Amy Gesenhues The ad owned more than a third of the views generated by the top 10 ads combined last month.

  1. Why the end of Google’s ‘First Click Free’ is a step in the right direction Dec 13, 2017 by Ben Barokas Subscription-based consumption is on the rise, and contributor Ben Barokas believes Google’s move should spur publishers to take control of their monetization strategies.

  1. Retail is better off without Black Friday Dec 13, 2017 by Evan Magliocca With Black Friday discounts lasting weeks and even months, retailers can’t keep pace with the likes of Amazon and Walmart. Contributor Evan Magliocca discusses how brands must evolve in order to thrive.

  1. Facebook ads can now link to brands’ WhatsApp accounts Dec 13, 2017 by Tim Peterson After rolling out verified profiles for businesses on WhatsApp, Facebook is adding a tool for brands to promote their presence.

  1. New report: Brands set budgets and expectations for GDPR compliance Dec 13, 2017 by Barry Levine Conducted by Forrester for governance solution provider Evidon, the study indicates that companies doing business in Europe are gearing up.

  1. Net pioneers tell FCC: ‘You don’t understand how the internet works’ Dec 13, 2017 by Barry Levine An open letter by key inventors of the internet asks the federal agency to delay its vote on Thursday on whether to remove net neutrality.

Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology:

This year was dominated by controversy, mobile and the duopoly, but there’s more to the story.

  1. Finding a perfect match: Oodi helps companies outsource to agencies Dec 13, 2017 by Robin Kurzer The e-commerce platform wants to make RFPs irrelevant and make the entire process quicker.

  1. GDPR won’t kill you. It’ll make you stronger Dec 13, 2017 by John Steinert The General Data Protection Regulation is edging ever closer. Columnist John Steinert explains how marketers can use the impending change as a catalyst for delivering marketing ROI.

  1. Nearly 70% of marketing executives plan to spend more on marketing technology in 2018 Dec 13, 2017 by Amy Gesenhues Search marketing platform Conductor surveyed 500 marketing executives to gain insight into their martech strategy for the coming year.

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

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