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Marketing Day: Facebook Portal, email personalization, smart speaker report

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Here’s what Facebook says about ads and targeting on Portal Nov 8, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues As Facebook starts shipping Portal devices, it trying to allay privacy concerns.

  2. Step up your email personalization game Nov 8, 2018 by Kyle Henderick To give your email marketing program a competitive edge, leverage timing, location and behavior to provide relevancy for customers.

  3. Report: As Facebook portal goes on sale, smart speaker growth is slowing Nov 8, 2018 by Greg Sterling There are now 53 million smart speaker devices in U.S. households according to an analyst firm’s estimate.

  4. Another survey shows brand trust affects purchase decisions Nov 7, 2018 by Barry Levine The online survey is yet another indicator that consumer trust of brands affects the bottom line.

  5. Foursquare can now measure TV ads’ impact on offline store visits Nov 7, 2018 by Greg Sterling The company can also measure multiple channels and their effect on real-world consumer behavior.

  6. Walking the CX talk Nov 7, 2018 by Debbie Qaqish Whether you’re assessing your own company’s status or considering how a potential employer is doing, follow these tips to determine whether a business is really dedicated to being customer-centric.

  7. Snapchat integrates with Comscore to measure Discover channel traffic Nov 7, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues The third-party measurement firm will show publishers’ reach on Discover.

Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology:

  1. IAB Tech Lab releases final version of VAST 4.1 that incorporates ‘unprecedented’ level of feedback Nov 8, 2018 by Robin Kurzer Marketers can provide a single video ad type that will work with many kinds of players.

  2. Invoca can now dynamically update local branch phone numbers Nov 8, 2018 by Barry Levine By grabbing the branch phone number from a web page before it loads and substituting its own, the call analytics firm says, campaign tracking becomes more streamlined.

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

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