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Marketing Day: Facebook alerts users, California privacy rules, AI report & more

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Crowdsourcing your inventory: Outsource product and empower customers Jul 2, 2018 by Rohit Gupta Contributor Rohit Gupta explains how crowdsourcing inventory helps companies cut costs associated with product design while keeping customers engaged.

  2. Facebook alerts 800K users that people they’d blocked may have been unblocked the 1st week of June Jul 2, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues Facebook blames the unblocking glitch on a bug that lasted from May 29 to June 5. This is the second bug confirmed by Facebook in less than a month.

  3. Apps must now pass review process before getting access to Facebook’s Marketing API Jul 2, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues In its latest updates to the app developer platform, Facebook is instituting new review processes for certain APIs, shutting down others.

  4. New Forrester report: ‘Speech analytics has found its voice with AI’ Jul 2, 2018 by Barry Levine The firm’s first evaluative report on this space rates vendors who leverage AI to turn phone calls into action items, voice-of-customer results and marketing opportunities.

  5. California lawmakers approve highly contested new data privacy rules, staving off a November ballot initiative Jul 2, 2018 by Robin Kurzer The legislation echoes GDPR and affords consumers greater control of their personal data.

  6. Here’s how to use custom intent audiences in your GDN campaigns Jun 29, 2018 by Grace Kaye Contributor Grace Kaye walks through the process of creating custom intent audiences and offers tips for getting the most out of the capability.

Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology:

  1. Vistar launches marketplace for complete DOOH deals Jul 2, 2018 by Barry Levine Called Deals Discovery, it lets self-service ad buyers find, price and purchase outdoor signage entirely online.

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

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