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Klout Announces Bing Integration & Begins To Filter Instagram Data Into User Scores

Exciting new changes are hitting Klout today including integration with Bing search and the addition of Instagram data on user Klout scores. While Klout has integrated with Instagram previously (data has never influenced Klout scores), the Bing integration is new and can show directly on the Search Engine Results Pages.

Klout + Instagram

In 2011 Klout allowed doubled the number of services that users could tie into their account — including the popular photo-sharing service Instagram. Today, Klout has announced that those filtered photos will have a direct impact on your official Klout score and show up into Klout moments.

Instagram Will Factor Into Klout Scores


Within Klout users can see the overall number of Instagram posts, likes, comments and followers. While this has been a nice Klout feature for users, as of today it will become a ranking factor for user’s Klout scores. Every user has a summary on their dashboard (above) but according to Klout the most influential aspects include the number of followers and social actions that occur on photos.


Like all Klout score additions, the addition of Instagram will only have a positive effect on a score. The engineering team estimates that over 77 percent of user who connect Instagram will see a score increase of between 1 & 5 points, while 16% will see a 5+ point shift.

Instagram To Show In Klout Moments


Instagram photos will also be included within Klout Moments, the service designed to show one’s most influential updates. Seeing the pure visual-ness of Instagram, this is a nice addition for users to find just what photos actually resonate with their following.

Klout + Bing

With the new Bing/Klout integration, users will be able to directly connect their account with Bing. The relationship will have two main angles that users will see — score influence data and enhanced results.

Klout & Bing Search


Users will now be able to view enhanced search results for professionals and celebrities who are using Klout. A Klout score will show within the snapshot result to help users find out who exactly is active in social media.

Bing To Add To Klout Influence Data

The other side of this coin is that Klout will have new data to track influence once a user connects their account with Bing. While Bing’s search results will begin to factor into Klout influence data, user scores  won’t be affected at this moment. Here’s the official statement according to Klout:

“Bing search results will begin to factor into the overall algorithm for influence data, but individual scores will be affected later.”

Overall, these are significant changes to the Klout eco-system, and shouldn’t be missed by those marketers who are interested in their overall Klout scores and most engaging content.

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