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Infographic: The Blogging Food Groups & Do You Serve Well-Balanced Content Meals?

Everyone loves desserts, but you’ve also got to eat your vegetables to be healthy. Does the same hold true with blogging? That a “healthy” blog won’t just be all funny videos and meme images but also contain a balance of others and more substantial content? If so, then knowing your “blogging food groups” may help.

Created by LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, the infographic below builds on an idea from Rick Burnes of HubSpot, that there are five types of posts to “feed” a business blog. The LinkedIn infographic suggests a “Blogging Meal Plan” after defining the groups more as well as a suggested time to spend on each type:


Want the infographic for yourself? You’ll find it here: The Blogging Food Groups: A Well-Balanced Diet Of Content [Infographic].

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