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Home Improvement Store Creates Camera-Equipped Birdhouses That Tweet

Writer's picture: Fahad HFahad H

This isn’t the first time the tweeting bird analogy has been applied to a Twitter-based brand promotion, but the purpose behind this Swedish DIY brand stunt is admirable.

On behalf of Swedish building supply store Bygg-Ole, Swedish agency Pool developed a campaign aimed at calling attention to the plight of birds displaced by rapid growth in the Stockholm area.

The agency build several bird houses and equipped them with sensors and cameras that would record bird activity in and around the houses. Activity, in the form of pictures or animated GIFs would then be automatically tweeted to a Twitter account set up for the campaign. The name of the account, Kvitterholkarna, translates roughly to Our Nesting Box Tweets.

The tweets provide basic info on how to build a birdhouse, why it’s important for biodiversity and, of course, offers from Bygg-Ole on bird house related tools, like wood, nails, etc. The company also explains the effort on a section of its main brand site (link to Google Translated version).

"Set up a nesting box with us!"

“Set up a nesting box with us!”

If people do set up a nesting box (or already have one), the campaign — which is promoted via the company’s main Twitter presence — encourages people to take a picture of it and share it using the hashtag #kvitterholkarna


Here’s the campaign video:

Here’s the making of video:

Here are some of the resulting tweets:

Det bästa med en holk på tomten: 1. Fågelsång 2. Färre insekter 3. Hjälper dina små grannar hitta ett hem! — Kvitterholkarna (@Kvitterholkarna) June 8, 2015

Kvitter på Twitter, det rimmar ju! #swgreen — Kvitterholkarna (@Kvitterholkarna) June 8, 2015

Sorry @Anticimex, ni är duktiga skadeinsektsbekämpare, men sjunger ni lika fint som oss småfåglar? #swgreen — Kvitterholkarna (@Kvitterholkarna) June 4, 2015

Bygg-Ole promoted the effort on Facebook with a post that enumerated the benefits of building a birdhouse, including bird song, fewer insects and helping your small neighbors find a home:

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