The hits keep on coming for social image sharing website Pinterest and, yes, I actually mean that in the analytics/visits/pageviews sense of the word “hits.”
The folks at Experian Hitwise say that Pinterest is now one of the top 30 US websites based on total pageviews.
In the course of two tweets this afternoon, Hitwise offered the following stats about Pinterest’s explosive growth:
Pinterest received more than 103 million total US visits in February.
That traffic was a 36 percent increase over January visits.
Total US pageviews were up 21 percent between January and February.
Pinterest traffic increased 36% in Feb-12 vs Jan-12, the site received more than 103M total US visits — Experian Hitwise (@Hitwise_US) March 12, 2012
Pintererst total US page views increased 21% in Feb-12 & ranks among the top-30 US sites overall in terms of total page views — Experian Hitwise (@Hitwise_US) March 12, 2012
How fast is Pinterest growing? Consider this: Hitwise says it’s now a Top 30 website, but it was only about six weeks ago that Pinterest cracked the top 60.
In a New York Times article this weekend, Pinterest founder Ben Silbermann revealed that the company is working on an iPad app — something that should only continue to fuel the site’s growth.