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Writer's pictureFahad H

Google Says Its Google Preferred Viewers 29% More Likely To Visit Brand Sites After Watching YouTube


After releasing one-year performance metrics for “Google Preferred” last month, Google has new audience data for its advertising program that lets marketers buy ads in advance on YouTube’s top performing channels.

According to a study conducted in February, Google’s research shows that Google Preferred desktop audiences are 29 percent more likely to visit a brand’s website immediately after watching YouTube compared to general YouTube viewers, and 46 percent more likely to search YouTube for a brand they are in the market for.

Google says nearly one in ten of its Google Preferred desktop viewers do not watch traditional television, with 90 percent avoiding the top five “full-episode” players, which includes Hulu,,,, and

Google also found Google Preferred viewers are 24 percent more likely to research a product after watching an ad on YouTube compared to “full-episode player” viewers.

Marketers can no longer rely on traditional TV alone to reach their audience, as the abundance of content choices to consumers today mean that people are consuming content in more places.

Google says its Google Preferred audiences skew younger than the average online population.

“We found that desktop viewers who watch Google Preferred (some of YouTube’s most popular channels) tend to be younger, more likely to be online shoppers in market for products,” says Google, “And the majority are viewers not reached through other video platforms.”

The research also offers up data on the types of products its audiences are looking to buy, claiming its Google Preferred desktop viewers are 182 percent more likely to be shopping for luxury cars, 170 percent more likely to shopping for beauty products and 195 percent more likely to be shopping for computers and tablets.

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