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Google’s Canadian Chief, Chris O’Neill, To Take Over Google Glass Business Operations

Chris O'Neill photo via @croneill Twitter account.

Chris O’Neill photo via @croneill Twitter account.

Google has confirmed that its top person at Google Canada is leaving that role to join Google [X] and work on the Google Glass project.

Chris O’Neill, who was named Managing Director at Google Canada in 2010, will take over business operations for Google Glass. O’Neill, a Canada native, will relocate to Google’s Mountain View headquarters.

Google confirmed an earlier report from the Financial Post with this statement to Marketing Land:

Yes, we can confirm that Chris O’Neill is leaving his role as Managing Director of Google Canada, joining the Google [x] team in Mountain View to lead business operations for Google Glass.

O’Neill joined Google in 2005. Before taking over the company’s operations in Canada, he served in a variety of roles — including leading Google’s digital strategy as its U.S. Retail Industry Director.

That background should come in handy as Google continues to prepare for a full retail launch of Google Glass, which is still expected to happen later this year.

The Financial Post reports that Sam Sebastian has replaced O’Neill as Google’s managing director in Canada.

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