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Google Glass Integrates With Blogger Via Independent App

Add Blogger to the short list of social/publishing platforms that can be integrated with Google Glass.

Christopher Bartholomew, an independent developer, announced his new “Blogger Glassware” app Tuesday night on Google+. He’s making it available at

At the moment, it works similarly to Facebook’s Glass app. Blogger publishers can shoot a photo with Glass and then publish it on their Blogger blog by sharing the image from Glass. After that, Bartholomew says, a new timeline item is available and the blog owner can use Glass’ voice commands to speak a new title for the blog post.

Here are a couple screenshots showing how Bartholomew used his Glass app to publish this post on Blogger:


Blogger Glassware will support voice-based text posts (i.e., no photo required) in its next update, the developer says. And in the comments of Bartholomew’s announcement, there’s also talk about partnering with others on a similar Google Glass app for WordPress users.

Google announced a Tumblr app at its recent I/O conference.

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