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Get Tumblr Stats Fast With New Activity Page

Now you can get a fast glimpse of your Tumblr stats right in your dashboard. Tumblr brought back the Activity feature last Thursday, allowing users to view top fans, posts and notifications without using a third-party tool.

You can view stats from the past 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days or last month. Beyond a month you’ll need a tool such as Union Metrics. Here is a snapshot of activity of Search Engine Land’s Tumblr from the past three days:

SEL Tumblr Activity Stats

New Tumblr Notes Feature

The new Activity feed also presents a new way to view notes from people that follow you – you no longer need to select Posts to view who has liked, reflagged or replied to your posts.

SEL Tumblr Activity Feed

Tumblr used to have a similar feature that tracked activity called Tumblarity that displayed individual tumblr blog stats, as well as stats about popular blogs across the entire network. Tumblarity was disabled in 2010.

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