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From Twitter, To Bing & Google: The State Of The Union Goes Social

US President Barack Obama is set to give his State Of The Union speech tonight at 9pm ET, and from the mountains of Twitter, to the prairies of Bing, to the oceans of Google, to the official White House site itself, things are getting social.

White House’s Enhanced Broadcast

The White House’s State Of The Union site is promising an “Enhanced Broadcast” with charts, stats and other data being presented along with the speech.

State of the Union 2013 | The White House

The site is encouraging people after the speech to part in a live panel by tweeting questions on Twitter using the hashtag of #WHChat.

Twitter & #SOTU For Comments

The White House is also encouraging people to share comment using the hashtag of #SOTU during the speech (and the Twitter Government @gov account is doing the same).

Bing Measures The Pulse

Over on Bing tonight, Bing Pulse is promising the first-ever interactive presidential address, allowing people to vote for things they like and don’t like during the speech:

State Of The Union - Bing Politics

Really, it seems rather than vote for specific items, people will be able to vote in real-time when they like the tone of the speech or not, similar to those meters that news shows use for panels.

Hanging Out At Google

Later this week, on Thursday, Obama will answer questions via a Google+ Hangout at the White House Google+ page and also broadcast through the White House YouTube channel.

As for Facebook, so far I haven’t spotted anything special that the service is doing. If I do, I’ll update.


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