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Facebook Q3 Earnings: 36 Percent Ad Revenue Growth, 14 Percent From Mobile

Facebook has released its Q3 financials and there are some solid numbers in the all-important advertising category.

Overall, revenue was up to $1.26 billion for the quarter, a 32 percent gain over Q3 2011 and the third consecutive quarter of higher revenues.


The company is reporting $1.09 billion in ad revenue for the quarter, a 36 percent increase year-over-year. That sum represents 86 percent of Facebook’s total revenue.

Perhaps most importantly, Facebook says that 14 percent of its ad revenue came from mobile. That’s been something of an achilles heel for the company and it’s imperative that this number grow in the future as mobile use of Facebook itself grows.

To that point, Facebook says it had 604 million monthly active mobile users at the end of September, a 61 percent increase over a year ago.


Overall, monthly active users hit 1.01 billion in Q3 and daily active users reached 584 million. Those numbers are up 26 percent and 28 percent, respectively, compared to a year ago.

Facebook’s financials beat analysts’ expectations and the stock is currently up about eight percent in after-hours trading.

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