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Facebook Offers New Advertisers Personalized Support With “Start To Success” Program

Facebook, adding a personal touch to its mostly self-service advertising process, is offering new advertisers a dedicated account manager.

The “Start To Success” program offers direct access to a Facebook representative to businesses that commit to spending at least $50 a day for a month (in other words at least $1,400).

Facebook Page administrators started seeing a message on pages they manage today, promoting the offer:


Clicking the link took them to a sign-up form, that included more details about the program:

Start to Success is a program to help new advertisers succeed on Facebook. This program is free for businesses who’ll invest $50 or more per day on their Facebook Ads for 4 weeks. During this time a dedicated Facebook account manager will make sure you get the most out of your investment by:
  1. Developing a customized strategy for advertising on Facebook

  2. Guiding you through the process of creating targeted ads

  3. Helping you track and optimize your campaign’s performance

Here a link to the form: Start to Success Program

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