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Facebook Fixes Its Google Glass App; Twitter’s App Still Not Working

Facebook has fixed its Google Glass app, which once again lets Glass wearers share photos to their Facebook timeline with voice captions.

Reports began to surface late last week that the Facebook app for Glass wasn’t working. In Glass, it looked like everything was fine — users could share photos to Facebook, add a voice caption, etc., but the shared photo never actually showed up on the user’s profile.

A Facebook spokesperson told us yesterday that a fix was in progress and, as my dog and I just confirmed today, it’s working again.


The Twitter app for Glass, though, is another story.

Google’s June software update for Glass expanded voice captions when sharing photos, and that capability showed up in Twitter’s Glass app about 10 days later.

When sharing a photo from Glass to Twitter, you have the option to add a spoken caption that should show up in your tweet. But it’s not working. Glass photos sent to Twitter still show the default “Just shared a photo #throughglass” caption, as shown in this Glass-generated tweet I shared yesterday.

Just shared a photo #throughglass — Matt McGee (@mattmcgee) September 3, 2013

Despite several emails asking about this over the past couple weeks, a Twitter spokesperson said the company doesn’t have anything to share.

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