Google is trying to get as many people as it can to use Chrome and sign in across platforms. There are multiple benefits to Google, including collecting data for its recently announced
Estimated Total Conversions analytics offering.
Chrome is the most widely used browser in the world, with a nearly 40 percent global market share, followed by IE. However on mobile devices Chrome has a way to go. While Google browsers dominate on Android Chrome has only a small share of usage on iOS. However that share is growing after a long period of stagnation.
After spending about 14 months at about 2 percent, Chrome usage on iOS has recently grown to 3 percent according to the ad network Chitika. Safari has a 97 percent share. There’s negligible usage of other browsers, including Opera on iOS.
Chrome browser market share on iOS (North America)

Source: Chitika
In terms of overall mobile browser share in North America (the region covered by the Chitika report), the iPhone is dominant, followed by Android. According to StatCounter the following are the figures:
iOS — 51 percent (includes iPod Touch; iPad doesn’t appear to be in these numbers)
Android — 35 percent
BlackBerry — 3.2 percent
Chrome — 3 percent
Opera — 2.3 percent
IE — 1.5 percent
Nokia — 1.1 percent