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Celtra Releases New Video Ad Formats To Transform TV Ads For Mobile Viewing

audi vertical mobile video ad celtra

Audi is the first to test drive one of Celtra’s new mobile video ad formats released Wednesday for its Le Mans campaign.

The short form vertical video is designed to transform TV ad spots to ads tailored for easy viewing in full-screen portrait mode on mobile devices.

“Celtra’s new mobile technology is born from consumer insights and is perfectly merging media and creative. The campaign performance exceeded expectations by far – achieving results 80% above industry benchmarks,” said Giovanni Perosino, Head of Marketing Communication, Audi.

The other new format is Reactive video, which activates as users scroll through a site. Like Virool’s InLine ad units, Celtra’s Reactive ads are responsive to user’s swiping gestures and appear within content rather than taking over the whole screen.

“With attention spans getting shorter, consumers expect ads to be super compact, short and consumable without much effort,” said Matevž Klanjšek, CPO and co-founder, Celtra. “Reactive video and especially Short form vertical video are designed specifically for a mobile environment.”

Celtra says both formats are designed to run on standard display ad placements and that the Short form vertical video is suited for the new video and mobile creative ad (VPAID+MRAID) requirements from the IAB.

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