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CBS’s Moonves: “I Don’t Care Where You Watch Our Shows. Just Watch Them”

Leslie Moonves

Leslie Moonves on left, being interviewed by Michael Kassan

If you were expecting CBS president and CEO Leslie Moonves to be down on digital distribution, think again. As long as CBS makes money, he wants CBS content everywhere.

“We don’t care how you watch it or when you watch it,” Moonves said, during an interview today at CES. “We just want to count it and get paid appropriately.”

Moonves spoke for about twenty minutes, interviewed by Michael Kassan, chairman and CEO of MediaLink. Some highlights are below.

On the growth of video consumption through digital:

It’s not challenging our core business; it’s helping our core business

On demanding networks get paid more for retransmission:

If you have more eyeballs, you get paid more.

On the once war he saw between technology and content companies:

Now the companies are “working hand-in-hand”

On the importance of content over distribution mechanisms:

Wireless is useless if you’re hitless

On how people view content:

I don’t care where you watch our shows. Just watch them.

On social media platforms:

Still in their “infancy” but going to help greatly to build “dialogue” about shows and content

Below, our live blog of the talk:

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