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Budweiser Takes Top Online Honors For Super Bowl Ad Activity


Two of the main services that track the online activity surrounding Super Bowl ads agree: Budweiser is the big winner from Super Bowl 49 with its heartwarming “Lost Dog” commercial.

According to iSpot.TV’s measurements, that ad accounted for a little more than 12 percent of all online activity among Super Bowl commercials, easily beating out “Like a Girl” from Always and the McDonald’s “Pay With Lovin'” ad. (iSpotTV’s “online activity” statistic combines all possible activities across YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and iSpotTV’s website, with heavier weight given to more valuable activities such as promoting and sharing.)

As of this morning, “Lost Dog” was tops with about 4.2 million online views and second with almost 305,000 social actions, a count of activity on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and iSpotTV’s website. “Like a Girl” had about 7,500 more social actions, but 2.6 million less online views.

The “Lost Dog” ad was out in front after its early release last week and stayed on top overall in iSpotTV’s rankings.

It also won the annual social sharing rankings from Unruly. The video ad tech company says “Lost Dog” has earned almost 2.2 million shares across Facebook, Twitter and blogs — good enough to be the fourth most-shared Super Bowl ad ever. That count is more than triple the share count of the No. 2 ad, Universal’s trailer for Fast and Furious 7 with 640,000 shares.

Unruly says this is the third straight year that a Budweiser ad has won its count of the most-shared Super Bowl ads online.

Online Activity Up Overall

While Unruly and iSpotTV use different methodologies when compiling their data, both agree that online activity surrounding Super Bowl commercials is up this year compared to the past.

Unruly says its top 10 ads have already generated about 4.5 million shares, an 82 percent increase from the number of shares that the 2014 top 10 had at this same point.

Similarly, iSpotTV says earned views are up 21 percent year-over-year and social actions are up 27 percent compared to last year.

In case you missed that “Lost Dog” ad, here it is. If you already saw it … you know you want to watch one more time.

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