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Are ‘Hot’ Google+ Posts More Targeted Since They’re Also ‘Recommended?&#8217

In April, Google+ launched the popular feature “Hot On Google+” that allowed users to see popular content from around the community. Late last month, the “hot” articles began to display as “Hot And Recommended.”

“What’s Hot and Recommended” could be a valuable tool if leveraged properly. A user’ +1’s, +’s and share footprint should provide a solid base for not only Hot and Recommended posts, but also on other Google properties like Google News and YouTube.

However, we simply haven’t seen a noticeable change in the overall quality & targeting of the content.  It still appears that the overall top community stories are taking over these placements.

We asked Google about the specific personalization for this feature and a Google spokesperson gave us the following statement:

“We’re always experimenting with ways to bring interesting and relevant content to your Home stream, so you may notice small changes from time to time.”

No official announcement has been made on recommendations or algorithms, but the revised feature is available to all Google+ users.

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