In 2010, data warehouse/analytics provider Teradata bought marketing software company Aprimo, to help jumpstart its integrated marketing solutions.
In late 2015, Teradata sold its Marketing Applications unit, which had been built around Aprimo, to a private equity firm. Teradata kept the Customer Interaction Manager component, but divested itself of the marketing resource management and campaign management capabilities.
In July of last year, the private equity firm — Marlin Equity Partners — announced it was merging the newly acquired Aprimo with another firm it had recently acquired, channel marketing provider Revenew.
“Aprimo is back,” Aprimo CEO John Stammen — former head of Revenew — told news media at the time, adding that the focus would be on marketing operations, including marketing planning, content creation, data storage, campaign management, and distributed marketing through channel providers.
This week, the Chicago-based Aprimo announced its first major platform update since it split from Teradata. The updates themselves are modest, but they point toward Aprimo’s intentions as an independent company, which took effect on July 1.