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Ads Manager Facelift Makes It Easier For Facebook Advertisers To Track Performance

A new Facebook Ads Manager enhancement released today places an emphasis on defining goals and actions for all ads. No longer will Facebook advertisers be confused to how ads are performing as the main defined action will show more prominently in the overall ad summaries and within Ads Manager itself.

This will be a boon for marketers as each overall goal may be intrinsically different. As of today, advertisers will be able to pick from the following actions when creating an ad:


The campaign summary will place the action selected front and center and will calculate a cost-per-action total for your action of choice.

An additional change to Ads Manager will make it easier for advertisers to analyze direct ROI from Facebook Ads. For those ads that send users to an external website (with conversion tracking enabled), a “cost-per-conversion” metric will be shown along with a value.


These enhancements are just another reason for advertisers to consider the ever-maturing Facebook Ad platform as it continues to grow and provide value for advertisers. For more see the official Facebook blog post.

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