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59 Percent Of Retailers Have Already Started Their Holiday Promotions [Survey]

With September upon us, 59 percent of retailers in the US and UK have kicked off their holiday promotional campaigns, according to ChannelAdvisor’s 2015 Online Retail Survey.

As more consumers begin holiday researching and shopping well ahead of Black Friday, retailers plan to start their holiday promotions earlier than last year. In addition to starting sooner, to increase sales this year, retailers said their top strategy is to offer more holiday sales.

Retailers are depending on strong holiday performance. Nearly three quarters (74 percent) of retailers said at least 20 percent of annual sales come during the holiday season.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have been key profit days. Among US retailers, 41 percent said Black Friday was the most profitable day of the year, with 47 percent of UK retailers saying the same.

most profitable day online for retailers

Expectations are high for 2015 holiday sales performance. Among those surveyed, 82 percent expect sales to increase; 21 percent of those expect holiday sales to increase over 15 percent from last year.

The full survey is available for download here.

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