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+1ed Posts Now Popping Up In The Google+ Stream

Odds are that if you liked a specific post on Google+, your friends may like it as well. A new Google+ feature will now help make that sharing possible. Over the “next few days” users will begin seeing highlighted posts that others have +1ed, not that they have specifically chosen to share on their own.


Not only will you begin seeing highlighted posts from your friends in your feed, but items that you’ve +1ed will show up in those that have you circled. This sharing can be controlled within your +1 activity settings and can be restricted accordingly. These updates will add more content to Google+ and should also help others find great content that may accumulate +1’s but not be shared outright.

Right now, you can view your +1s within settings and can publish Web +1’s as well from that specific profile tab. For more information, see the post from Shimrit Ben-Yair.

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