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Browsers, not apps, are the future of mobile

A common refrain in discussions over the future of mobile is that “eventually, all mobile apps will be iOS or Android apps.” But many of...

How to market mobile

If you want to market mobile, using phrases like “on the go” and “at your fingertips” are meaningless. When the use case is in the title,...

The end of app stores as we know them

Uber isn’t just killing the taxi industry. Its relentless approach to distribution and scale is also putting a nail in the coffin of app...

Messaging is just getting started

Messaging isn’t about text. It’s about conversations. Here’s why the simplest apps on your phone are quickly becoming the most powerful....

The end of apps as we know them

The experience of our primary mobile screen being a bank of app icons that lead to independent destinations is dying. And that changes...

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