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Yahoo Q2 2012 Revenues Flat


announced second quarter earnings today, where revenues remained flat, as did their display ads and search ads.

Quarterly revenue was just about the same, with Q2 2012 revenue at $1,076M and Q2 2012 revenue at $1,081M.

Income from operations was down 71% from Q2 2011 of $191M to Q2 2012 of $55M.

The highlights include that their Non-GAAP net earnings per diluted share was up 47% year over year and that they hired Google’s Marissa Mayer as their new CEO.

On the display side revenue ex-TAC was $473 million, a 1 percent increase compared to $467 million for the second quarter of 2011. GAAP display revenue was $535 million, a 2 percent increase compared to $524 million for the second quarter of 2011.

On the search side revenue ex-TAC was $385 million, a 4 percent increase compared to $371 million for the second quarter of 2011. GAAP search revenue was $461 million, a 1 percent decrease compared to $467 million for the second quarter of 2011.

The conference call is at 5pm EDT and we will be listening and updating this story.

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