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What we shipped: new package, Android integration, real-time, and more

It’s been a productive few months for us at Intercom. With the launch of our new Acquire package you can talk to visitors on your website, not just those logged in, answer their questions, and convert them to new signups.

We also added real-time messaging capabilities, released an Android integration making Intercom fully-mobile, and addressed a long-standing customer request with OR filtering.

Our brand new package: Acquire

Acquire enables you to talk with visitors on your website so you can convert them to users of your product. Visitors on your site can easily ask your team questions and you can get back to them in real-time, or follow up by email, and send them targeted messages to encourage action.

Intercom for Android apps

We now fully support mobile apps! You can see and talk to your Android users with the release of our Android integration. You’ll have a single record of every user with one place to respond to all conversations, and manage your outbound messaging across three separate platforms: iOS, Android, and web.

Real-time messaging

For us, real-time messaging means more than just instant message delivery. We released a set of features that makes customer communication in Intercom more like the modern messaging apps you use to connect with friends. You can see the presence of every user in the team inbox so you can prioritize who to respond to first. Your users and your team can see “is typing” indicators, as well as delivered and seen states for messages.

“Or” Filtering

We’ve improved how you can target the right audience for a message – a long-standing customer request. Previously it was possible to link filters using “and” statements e.g. you could easily identify the people that signed up 10 days ago and have more than 10 sessions. It’s now possible to link filters using “or” statements, so Intercom can target people who have signed up 10 days ago, or have 10 sessions.

Messaging improvements

New auto-message creation flow

The new flow for creating auto-messages is faster, more streamlined, and lets you edit every aspect of your auto message on a single page. It has everything you need; targeting, composing, reviewing, a/b testing, and more.

HTML Importer

For HTML pros who code their emails for full customization, we now offer the ability to easily drop HTML code into messages. This new, on-the-fly functionality helps teams send one-off messages in HTML faster, and easier.

Bulk actions on messages

Here’s another one that made a lot of people happy. Once you put a message live, it’s now possible to tag or message all the people who saw or didn’t see the message, clicked on a link, replied, or didn’t reply. This is great for situations like:

  1. following up with people who replied with a thumbs down to your feedback request on a new feature

  2. emailing people who haven’t seen the in-app message you sent them three days ago

Check out this quick video to learn more. We’re currently working on the ability to automate these follow-up actions.

File attachments in email and in-app messages

Need to send a billing record or receipt to a customer? You can now attach files to emails and in-app messages in Intercom.


You can now center buttons, pictures, headlines, and more in emails and in-app messages. This is just the beginning of a set of features we’re working on to give you more ways to customize your messages without having to know HTML or bother someone who does.

Conversation Improvements

Emojis and stickers!

Communicating with modern technology means more that just text and words. As a first step beyond textual communication, we introduced emojis and stickers to help you and your customers communicate more personally and creatively. You can quickly access a large set of emojis to send to each other via the Intercom Messenger on your website and in your apps. If an emoji is sent on its own, it’s automatically converted to a sticker. Give it a try on our homepage 🙂

Improvements to Saved Replies

It’s now quick and simple to browse and search Saved Replies from a popover menu. You can insert them using a hashtag and the title of the Saved Reply to move faster, and you can even edit, organize, and delete them straight from the inbox via a new modal. It’s never been faster to tell people the windows phone app is never coming ;).

Images, attachments, and Emojis in Notes

Notes help you collaborate on conversations with customers and website visitors inside the team inbox. To help you do more with them, you can now add images, files, and emojis. This should help you and your team give people what they need faster.

And that’s it. The next few months are packed with more exciting features to help you see and talk to users of your apps and visitors on your website- stay tuned! Until then, feel free to ask questions in the comments below, send us a message in Intercom, or on our website via the Intercom Messenger.

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